For those of you that don't know, I was running like a mad woman a few month's ago after my friend Kat had inspired me with her marathon efforts. I was training with her when she was doing the 5 milers and was really enjoying the experience and was motivated and in the zone. So much so that I signed up to the Nike Run to the Beat half Marathon which takes place on 25th September. Then disaster struck, an injury! I went to the doctor's and she diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis which is a very painful foot injury. I've been to see a physio but don't start treatment properly until the 22nd August which then only leaves me a month to get the stamina for a 13 mile run.
I've been cycling every day which I've been loving, until my bike got reversed over by a van 2 weeks ago! Not having much luck am I........
So until I get my bike and my foot back on track, I've been struggling to stay motivated for this run. That motivation came last night in the form of my sister who has signed up for the half marathon with me. To give you a bit of a background on Laura, she's never been a massive exercise fan (and she won't mind me saying that) but she has decided to undertake this challenge with me and last night she text me to say that she'd just completed a 3 mile run!! Now, that was a massive deal as she's never run that far before and it gave me the kick up the behind that I so desperately needed.
I woke up this morning at 7:15am and was wide awake. So I decided to put this extra time in my morning to good use and went for a run! Now, I'm not really supposed to be doing high impact activity at the moment (doctor's orders) but when I was in Austria recently and went running with the Ultra Man legend that is Jonas Colting, he taught me all the techniques of barefoot running. It's made a MASSIVE difference to my running technique and to the pain in my right foot. With Jonas in my head telling me to land on the ball on my foot and to keep my arms close to my chest around my heart at all times and to take smaller paces, I survived a 2.5 mile run this morning! I'm so chuffed to be back on the horse, so to speak, and well and truly back in the game!
So watch this space world! I'm back and running and it feels ruddy great!